What they say about

  • The event was a success! Let me know how I can be of help in the near future. – Stefan Siarov
  • Thank you again for the great event, and thank you for letting our colleagues join. They enjoyed the event very much and got some nice contacts out of it! – Maxim Mommerency
  • Merci encore d'avoir tout organisé. Je pense aussi que c'était un vrai success. – Sabri Mekaoui
  • I am also really glad to attend to this meeting, filled with so much interactions and enthusiasm. – Lê Binh San Pham
  • I would like to thank you for the great opportunity offered yesterday evening. I really enjoyed the event and the way it was organised. – Elisa Pinat
  • I am glad to hear that it was such a success, and thank you for chosing the observatory as host in the first place! – Lena Noack
  • It was a great pleasure and honour for us to have your event at ROB. I also very much enjoyed the discussions with the attendees.- Ronald Van der Linden DG of ROB
  • C'était très chouette le 4e meeting, les photos aussi. – Véronique Dehant
  • Encore merci pour la soirée au Space Pole la semaine dernière, c'était très réussi! J'apprécie énormément le travail que vous faites avec Youspace. – Jelle Gheldof
  • Cela m'a fait plaisir également de venir participer à la soirée. Le concept était sympathique et j'espère pouvoir augmenter la liste de mes contacts dans le secteur. – Valéry Broun